Our terms and conditions are clear and easy to read, guaranteeing transparency for us and for you, the future member of the site.

By clicking here as a company or home service provider, you agree to take full responsibility for dealing with our customers, taking them seriously even after the sale of services. You solemnly undertake to take responsibility for providing high quality products/services and meeting their needs in a transparent and ethical manner. You undertake to deal with any customer concerns or dissatisfaction diligently and to work actively to resolve any problems that may arise. You undertake to maintain a relationship of mutual trust with our customers by guaranteeing their satisfaction and respecting your commitments to them.

By clicking above, you agree to become a member of this platform while strictly respecting the terms and conditions of this site’s privacy policy. And you subscribe to the logic of using this platform wisely at all times and in all places. You solemnly undertake to put forward exclusively your activities, while fully recognizing and respecting the following conditions:

I am aware and accept that the Kwen Lakay LLC (kwenlakay.com) cannot be held responsible for the quality, accuracy, reliability or legality of the products or services I offer through this platform. Consequently, I undertake to assume full responsibility for the satisfaction of my customers and the quality of the services I offer.

I understand that any transaction concluded through this website is independent of its management and control, and that the website acts only as an intermediary between myself and users. As a user, I undertake to respect ethical, legal and professional standards in the conduct of my activities.

Consequently, I waive all claims against the site with regard to quality, conformity, damages or any other aspect relating to my products or services. I take full responsibility for my actions and strive to provide products or services that reflect the highest quality and integrity.

By clicking above I sign and certify my full agreement with the terms stated and undertake to comply with these provisions when using the platform.

Users must adhere to the site’s privacy policy, accessible via the following link: https://kwenlakay.com/privacy-policy/. By accessing and using this platform, users implicitly agree to abide by the platform’s data handling practices and privacy regulations as outlined in the Privacy Policy.